BDWatchdog has now been published!
If our work is part of your research, has been part of your inspiration or you have used it, you can cite us with:
Jonatan Enes, Roberto R. Expósito, Juan Touriño. BDWatchdog: Real-time monitoring and profiling of Big Data applications and frameworks. Future Generation Computer Systems, vol. 87, pages 420-437, October 2018. Online | Preprint

BDWatchdog is a framework to assist in the in-depth and real-time analysis of the execution of Big Data frameworks and applications. Two approaches are used in order to get an accurate picture of what an application is doing with the resources it has available 1) per-process resource monitoring and 2) mixed system and JVM profiling using flame graphs.
With monitoring and profiling, used individually or combined, it is also possible to easily identify both resources and code bottlenecks as well as account for resource utilization or spot certain patterns that frameworks or applications may have.
We are proud to announce that a full working public demo of the framework is now available!
You can try it on clicking on the Demo section or with this link.
If you are want more details regarding the inner workings of this framework, its possible use cases or how to deploy it, you can refer to its Documentation.