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This framework has been designed using a microservice approach in order to ease its development as well as to create specialized units that can be reused or improved in isolation. In addition, by using this development technique it is also possible to implement a framework that inherently presents an internal parallelism that is useful when dealing with scenarios that require responsiveness, such as is the case with real-time and on-demand resource scaling.

The next image shows a high-level diagram of the scenario on which the framework is deployed:


  • The framework's inputs, there are two:

    • [1] the actions that control the framework's behavior, both performed by a user or by another program through the framework's API.
    • [2] the resource monitoring time series, currently provided by an external framework (BDWatchdog), that are used in the policy decision for the resource scaling operations.
  • The Serverless Containers framework [3], that groups several microservices, some of which are placed on the controlled hosts. The microservices' inner workings are further specified next.

  • The controlled infrastructure [4], which usually consists of several hosts running one or several containers each. Currently, only the containers backed by the cgroups file system are supported by design and, more specifically, Linux Containers (LXC) have been used and thus have been proven to work with this framework.

Microservice architecture

As previously stated, the design followed to create the architecture of this framework uses several microservices that communicate and exchange information. The following image shows a high-level diagram of the microservices layout:


As it can be seen, the microservices can be separated into active and passive ones, with the difference being that the passive ones focus on feedback operations to keep the framework continuously updated on the infrastructure's state, while the active ones use such information to scale the container's resource limits accordingly and as needed.

Passive Microservices

The passive microservices are needed to continuously keep the central database (State Database) updated with all the metadata that tracks the state of the infrastructure, from the number of containers and their thresholds to the allocated amounts of resources.

Some passive microservices are used to create aggregate data for entities such as applications (i.e., representing a group of containers) or to persist temporary information into a persistent database.

  • Structure Snapshoter: Continuously polls the actually applied limits of the containers and writes that information into the State Database.
  • Database Snapshoter: Forwards the information temporarily stored on the State Database to a persistent database, thus creating time series.
  • Refeeder Snapshoter: Aggregates and creates new metadata from existing one (e.g., allocated amount of CPU for an application composed of 3 containers).


Active Microservices

The active microservices are the actual ones that perform the scaling of the resources via changing the container resource limits on the underlying cgroups file system through a coordinated chain of events. The events that trigger these changes are specified according to the policy used.

More specific functionalities of the microservices are described next:

  • Guardian: Working with time windows, it matches the real resource usages of the containers, as provided with the external resource monitoring, with the container limits stored on the State Database. As a result of the matches it generates scaling requests. Mainly used with the serverless policy.

  • Scaler: Polls the State Database looking for requests to be applied to the containers.


Other Microservices

Some microservices have an auxiliary role and are used both by active and passive microservices.

  • Orchestrator: Exposes an API that can be used both by humans or other programs to configure the framework.

  • Container Scaler: This microservice has to be deployed on every infrastructure node whose hosted containers are to be scaled by any policy. This service is able to read and write the cgroups file system to perform the actual resource limit scaling operations.